
Is your business eligible for free Highbays?

Free Highbays for your commercial property

If you own or use a warehouse or any commercial building, you know how painful it is to replace blown bulbs. Electricians, scissor lifts and unnecessary down-time: it is an expensive and inconvenient exercise.
The solution?

Upgrade to cost efficient, energy saving FREE LED highbays.

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Blown highbays and flickering fluoros cost owners and tenants thousands of dollars in maintenance costs.

LED highbays last up to 10 years, provide a cooler, brighter light and offer a 66% reduction in lighting costs.
Best of all, the upgrade is heavily subsidised, thanks to the Victorian Government’s Energy Saving scheme.

Here’s our case study for Foodbank Victoria where we upgraded 124 highbays in their warehouse. This upgrade will result in a saving of almost half a million dollars over 10 years for Foodbank Victoria! Find out if your company is eligible for a free highbay upgrade to LEDs.

The benefits of free highbays

For more information on highbays, see our free highbays page


How Many Lights Do You Want
To Upgrade In Your Home?
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